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House and Petcare

Just a bit about who I am, before you invite me into your home and your pets' lives

I am a woman who owns her own home and have had pets all my life. I understand how one values proper care and respect for their pets (children) whilst away from home. I have great appreciation for a home and garden and can understand the need to love animals. I am retired, full of energy and prefer to live in the home where I am taking care of the pets , as it gives the animal the feeling that it has not been abandoned.

I am responsible , reliable and adaptable to my surroundings. I am doing this because of my love for animals, enjoy different surroundings and to supplement my income. 

I am now able to travel anywhere, within reason as I also love the countryside.

So ietsie oor my- ek het groot waardering vir mense se tuistes en hulle troeteldiere. Ek is lewenslustig ,en het genoeg energie om na alles, in en om 'n huis, om te sien. Ek bly met respek en ontsag in die huise, en is nie net verantwoordelik en betroubaar nie, maar ook aanpasbaar. El lees baie, swem graag   en doen fotografie.

Ek sal die geleentheid om op die platteland te werk verwelkom. Het reeds in die Paarl gesit en ook bed & ontbytplekke opgepas


 Kyk gerus na my verwysings

Please contact any of the previous pet owners I have worked for.



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